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About Us
Quality Product

Unilife is a distributor of quality products consisting of:

1. Agricultural products  are well selected and legitimate. Over 100 plants have been proven in every area such as:
  ● Productivity line includes fertilizers and plant nutrition, growth regulator, and plant additives. 

  ● Pest control line includes insecticides and pesticides, crop protection agents, and herbicide

All Unilife products are manufactured from standard factory with modern production system to optimize the production process and ensure the farmers the quality and safety. We have strict controls in every production step by a chemical research team with more than 30 years of experience in the laboratory with the most advanced and complete equipment in Thailand in order to have a complete and wide range of quality products covering all plants from planting to harvest over hundreds of products under the brand “Unilife”

2. Consumer products  include household products and hygiene products. Unilife realizes that the heart of the business is a quality product that meets needs of every prospect to increase business opportunities for all business members to run Unilife business with full potential. Unilife has expanded its range of products for daily use, which are selected, researched, and developed by the leading company recognized for its quality and international production standards to respond to the needs and satisfaction of consumers.


Unilife Product Types
Meaning of each Product


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Fertilizers and plant nutrition

consists of products containing primary nutrients, secondary nutrients, and plant nutrients which help to strengthen or stimulate growth of plants. The plants will grow fast with flowering and producing fruits, become fruitful and healthy in very growth stage, help improve yield, prevent and solve plant nutrient deficiencies, enables plants to withstand harsh environments such as hot, cold, or drought conditions.


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Plant additives

contain soil improvers to help soil friable and enable plants to absorb more fertilizer.
Fertilizer additives are an innovation of Unilife to be used to mix with all chemical fertilizers. They can reduce chemical fertilizer by more than 50%. The additives can be mixed in every time spraying, help plants to stick to leaves, and reduce the loss of rain wash and watering.


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Growth regulators

are a product controlling or stimulating plant growth, changing plants in a way that farmers need, such as stimulating germination and rooting, stretching inflorescence and internode, forcing to flower during an off-season period and sex expression, and slow down ripening and the dormancy of buds and seeds. 


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Pesticide and Insecticide

Unilife pesticides and insecticides have a wide range of products that can be used for each type of insects and pests. Products can be also used interchangeably to prevent drug resistance. The products contain long lasting active insect control substances not requiring to spray frequently, and short active substances which are safe for consumers and can be used for production of GAP crops. 


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Unilife herbicides contain a wide variety of products which can be used either before weeding or after weeding. There are both selective and non-selective options getting rid of all kinds of weeds, narrow-leaf weeds, broad-leaf weeds, and reeds. Products are safe and harmless to the environment.


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Plant Disease Control

Unilife products have fungicides and anti-bacterial products which can be used to prevent or treat  plant diseases. Products can be applied to all plants in every growth stage and are available to used interchangeably, reducing the problem of drug resistance. 


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Consumer Product

Consumer and hygiene products consist of household products and personal care products. All products are carefully selected with UniLife formula that is unique and distinctive. Its products  will be expanded to cover and meet all consumer needs.

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