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Inquiries / Recommendations

For more information or inquiries, please fill in the details below or contact  

Unilife Call Center 0-2399-5555 or contact by Facebook/Twitter/Line


Call Center

Monday – Saturday 08.30 – 17.30 hrs. 

Note: Closed on Sundays and public holidays 


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● If a staff is unable to answer the call due to serving other customers., you will be contacted within 1-3 hours.
● Signal strength depends on a user’s device.
● Internet connection can be used with computers with speed of not less than 2 MB or any 3G mobile phone.

Submitting a question

Submitting a question on this page is recommended for those who would like to get the information directly from the company. For Unilife business members and members, please log in first for convenience of service. 

For the forms marked with * , please fill in the information completely.

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● Please fill in the form completely for convenience and quickness of responses and notifier identification. The company reserves the right to provide the services if the information is incomplete.
● The company will keep your information confidential for security of counterfeiting or impersonation.

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